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The Wheeler-Kingshott Family

There is a branch of the family that use a double-barrelled name that incorporates Kingshott. You might think that this is a modern phenomenon, but the name actually stretches back quite a way. 


This branch of the family starts with Naomi Fanny Kingshott, born in Frensham, Surrey, England, in 1881 to parents William Kingshott and his wife Fanny, nee Boxall. She became involved with a man named Thomas Arthur Wheeler, who was born on August 11, 1876, in Linchmere, Sussex.


They had a child out of wedlock, who was baptised in Haslemere, Surrey, on 16 September 1904. He was baptised with the forename Henry Thomas Wheeler and the surname Kingshott. By the time he was married in 1928, he took the double-barrelled surname Wheeler-Kingshott, which remained with the family from that point onwards. 

This is a difficult family to follow, due to the numerous ways that double-barrelled surnames are recorded in the various registers and documents. They tend not to show up on searches! A three-generation descent can be found here


There are not many Wheeler-Kingshotts out there, and the most likely one to come up on a Google search is Professor Claudia Wheeler-Kingshott. She was born in Italy and married Glen Wheeler-Kingshott. She has a short biography at the UCL website here and is a scientist of some note in her field.  


Going back to the beginning, Naomi Fanny Kingshott was my 5th cousin three times removed. 


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